Getting started with LadinoType is easy!
Follow these steps to get started writing Ladino in Solitreo and Rashi.
1. Register for a free LadinoType account.
Registration is quick and easy and completely free using a valid email address.
Visit the Registration Page
- Navigate to the Registration page and fill out the form with your first name, last name, city, email address and prefered password.
Secure and private
- Your information will remain safe and secure and will not be used for commercial purposes. You can read more at our Terms of Service and our Privacy Policy.
Account creation is instant
- Your account will be created instantly. If you encounter any errors registering, please contact us.
2. Start typing in Ladino!
You can start creating documents immediately by clicking New Document in the menu bar. Check out our user guide for tips.
Type Ladino using latin letters
- Type Ladino the way you naturally would (according to the Aki Yerushalayim standards), but be sure not to use uppercase letters except in specific instances. See our guide for more information.
Use the LadinoType utilities
- LadinoType gives you utilities to convert copied text to lowercase. LadinoType also renders explicitly words of non-Ladino origin when put in curly brackets {}.
Save your document
- Save your document. You can later view, edit and share it.

3. Create, share and discover.
LadinoType allows you to create and store personal documents, but it also allows you to share them with the world.
Manage Your Documents
- On My Documents, view all your documents. From there, you can edit and share them.
Share what you want (and only what you want)
- By default, all documents you create a completely private and only accessible by you. However, you can choose to make documents accessible to others, either only by direct URL or by listing it in the Public Directory.
Browse public documents created by others
- View the Public Directory to discover content written by other users. Learn, enjoy and get inspired.